Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Anti-Aging Skin Cream - Ingredients to Look For

A good anti-aging skin cream is the best barrier against premature aging symptoms such as wrinkles, fine lines and dry patches. Many people therefore search the market for the best skin care product to solve these problems and for the sake of improving their appearance. If you are also worried about these frustrating conditions, you have come to the right place.

To find a good and effective skin care product, you need to be on the look out for some special and proven ingredients. Often people go for some popular brands simply because of their name and ignore the fact that they contain ineffective and sometimes even harmful substances as active ingredients. You need to be very careful in choosing your skin care product if you are suffering from the above-mentioned aging signs.

Anti-aging skin cream that contains ingredients like antioxidant agents and substances that help to stimulate our natural collagen and elastin are the most effective of all. Some of these substances are phytessence wakame, cynergy TK and CoQ10. You must remember that applying collagen, which is a fibrous protein naturally found in our connective tissues, directly to the skin is not very effective, although many marketing campaigns from the big brand companies will have you believe otherwise.

Instead, we need some active substances that serve to reactivate natural proteins found in our skin to bring back its elasticity and smoothness. So, when you go shopping for a good anti-aging skin cream, keep the above mentioned ingredients in mind.

This is not enough however. A good anti-aging product should also be free from preservatives like parabens and additives like fragrances and colorings. Parabens are very dangerous for our long-term skin health as they are known to alter our natural hormonal cycle and cause many complications. They are to be avoided at all costs, particularly if you are following an anti-aging skin care routine.

In addition to this, some other ingredients that you need to avoid include alcohols like ethyl alcohol, methanol, SD alcohol and benzyl alcohol. These substances are often added to skin care products, particularly the ones meant for extremely oily skin. However, you must remember that alcohols are not good for rapidly aging skin, as they can cause dryness and may damage our blood vessels.

So, there you are. These are some of the ingredients that you should be looking for in a good anti-aging skin cream. Keep them in mind the next time you go shopping for a product for the treatment of premature wrinkles, fine lines and dryness of the skin.


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